Urban EbA
Chaired By

The FEBA Urban EbA Working Group, chaired by PlanAdapt, convened from 2020 – 2021 to bring together researchers and practitioners from the fields of urban development, climate change, EbA and green-grey infrastructure to share successes and failures to help learn from past projects and improve future urban EbA initiatives.
Knowledge Products
Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South
This report on behalf of the Urban EbA Working Group demonstrated practical examples of urban EbA interventions gathered through an online survey and it explores their links with seven EbA Social Principles:

Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Hosted by the FEBA Urban EbA Working Group at The Nature of Cities festival, this session built on the publication “Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban EbA: A focus on the Global South” to approaches to identifying and integrating climate justice into adaptation efforts across cities in the Global South. Speakers presented the social principles of ecosystem-based adaptation identified by the report, and discussed how these principles are implemented in their work around the world. The session convened actors across environment, social development, urban planning and more with the shared goal of building more resilient, sustainable, just and livable cities.

Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South
Ecosystems can greatly improve the liveability of our increasingly urbanised world. In August 2021, FEBA’s Urban EbA Working Group published the joint technical paper ‘Climate Justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): A focus on the Global South’. The paper 1) gathers practical examples of urban EbA interventions around the world; and 2) explores their links with seven EbA Social Principles related to climate justice.
If you are interested in joining this or another expert working group, or starting a working group on another topic, please contact us.