Collaborating for Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEbA) is a global collaborative network of 100+ organizations with a shared interest in advancing awareness, understanding and uptake of nature-based solutions in adaptation and resilience efforts around the world.

FEbA's Impact in Numbers


Over 100 government ministries and sub-agencies, UN bodies, NGOs, research centers, and other institutions are part of the Friends of EbA.

9 Groups

FEbA hosts multiple expert working groups that facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among diverse organizations.


FEbA organizes high-level events, technical workshops, and expert working groups annually to advance ecosystem-based adaptation.

45 KPs

FEbA has an extensive library of knowledge products, including position papers, technical publications, and webinars.

What is EbA?

Ecosystem-based Adaptation is a nature-based solution, defined as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change (CBD, 2009 & 2010). EbA describes a range of ecosystem management activities, such as the sustainable management of forests, grasslands, and wetlands, that increase resilience of people and the environment to climate change.

Learn more about EbA

Ecosystem-based Adaptation is a nature-based solution, defined as the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.

Join our Working Groups

FEbA hosts a number of revolving expert working groups to facilitate the collaboration of members around key thematic areas.

FEbA Members

As part of FEbA’s role in synthesising multi-stakeholder knowledge on nature and climate adaptation, FEbA hosts a number of revolving expert working groups to facilitate the collaboration of members around key thematic areas.

Join FEbA

Joining the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) network connects you to a global community focused on nature-based climate solutions. As a member, access resources, participate in events, and collaborate with over 100 organizations to influence policy and drive change in ecosystem-based adaptation.


Latest Past Events

FEBA 2024 Members Meeting

The 2024 Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) Annual Members Meeting was held virtually on December 11 to review progress, share updates, and strategize for 2025. The meeting highlighted FEBA’s growing […]

FEBA Journey at UNFCCC COP 29

The twenty-ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP29), hosted by Azerbaijan, will take place from 11-22 November 2024 […]

NAbSA Dialogues Series

As part of the “NAture-based Solutions for climate Adaptation: monitoring & impact evaluation (NAbSA)” – Canada Partnering for Climate (P4C) portfolio – project we invite you to join us every last Tuesday of the […]


The COP 27 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by Egypt, took place from 6 to 18 November 2021 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. Several significant developments on adaptation, resilience, loss & damage […]

8th EbA Knowledge Day

The EbA Knowledge Day is a yearly meeting for EbA policy makers, practitioners, donors and researchers, organized by GIZ and IUCN under the Friends of EbA Network.  2022’s theme was The […]

Friends of EbA 2022 Members’ Meeting

Members’ Meetings are an opportunity for our network to come together to share updates on their EbA work, to make connections on upcoming opportunities for collaboration, to discuss gaps and […]

6th International EbA Community of Practice Workshop

The International EbA Community of Practice aims at knowledge and experience sharing and mutual learning beyond projects, institutions and regional boundaries on EbA. During this yearly workshop, a combination of […]

Session at COP26

Organised by the Green-Gray Community of Practice, Conservation International, IUCN and FEBA, this event focused on harnessing the promise of nature-based solutions with conventional engineering approaches. Speakers highlighted growing commitment […]

Session at COP26

Organised by the Green-Gray Community of Practice, Conservation International, IUCN and FEBA, this event focused on harnessing the promise of nature-based solutions with conventional engineering approaches. Speakers highlighted growing commitment […]

Session at COP26

Over the last decade, EbA has become a uniting force for the common objectives among the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Sustainable […]

Session at COP26

Upscaling adaptation approaches that integrate both technology and nature-based solutions is imperative to enhancing the climate resilience of coastal and ocean communities around the world. As the culmination of a […]

Session at COP26

Over the last decade, EbA has become a uniting force for the common objectives among the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Sustainable […]

Session at COP26

One Health, among other holistic approaches, serves as “a cross-cutting and systemic approach to health based on the fact that human health and animal health are interdependent and linked to […]

Session at COP26

One Health, among other holistic approaches, serves as “a cross-cutting and systemic approach to health based on the fact that human health and animal health are interdependent and linked to […]

Session at COP26

This session offered interactive and high-level account of how Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can combat climate change and biodiversity loss. The session will explore different financing opportunities for NbS for climate […]

Session at COP26

This session offered interactive and high-level account of how Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can combat climate change and biodiversity loss. The session will explore different financing opportunities for NbS for climate […]

Session at COP26

The Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP) is a knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). […]

FEBA Engagements at COP26

The COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, took place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, UK. The FEBA Journey at COP26 […]

IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC)

As the first hybrid in-person and virtual environmental event since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC) will drive action on nature-based recovery, climate change and biodiversity […]

Winning Poster at the PEDRR Cross-Regional Symposium

The cross-network FEBA-PEDRR-EHAN Working Group recently presented a poster to the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) Cross-Regional Symposium, held from 15-16 September 2021. The poster set the scene […]

Session at WCC

Nature-based Solutions for adaptation are receiving growing attention for their potential to reduce people’s vulnerability to a range of climate change impacts and provide significant co-benefits for biodiversity and people. […]

Session at WCC

The session offered a state-of-the-art account of (i) how nature-based solutions can combat climate change and biodiversity loss, (ii) to what extent governments have incorporated these within their global climate […]

Session at WCC

IUCN, the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) network, and UNFCCCTechnology Executive Committee (TEC), in collaboration with the UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) Expert Group on Oceans, are co-hosting a virtual […]

Session at WCC

This training session provided an overview of the process needed for designing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) interventions. It introduces participants to the intricacies […]

Friends of EbA 2021 Members’ Meeting

The Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) Members’ Meeting is an opportunity for FEBA members to share events, knowledge product and project highlights from the past year, and to discuss priority […]

7th EbA Knowledge Day

The 7th EbA Knowledge Day, entitled Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation: Employing Innovative EbA Approaches to Upscale NbS, took place on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 from 15:00-19:00 CEST / 09:00-13:00 EDT. […]

The Blue Guide to Coastal Resilience Launch

Join the @PEDRRnetwork @UNUINWEH #FEBA launch event of the @nature_org #BlueGuide to #Coastal #Resilience, held this #WorldWetlandsDay, 2 Feb 2021 at 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET.Registration:

Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Cities: People, Nature & Justice

To mark World Cities Day, the FEBA Urban EbA Working Group, PlanAdapt, and the Green-Gray Community of Practice co-hosted the webinar to showcase urban EbA in the Global South by highlighting three case studies from India, Colombia, and […]

Friends of EbA 2020 Members’ Meeting

Download the meeting documentation from the virtual FEBA members’ meeting. View the slides from the FEBA Member Updates and FEBA Working Group Updates here. 

6th EbA Knowledge Day

The 6th EbA Knowledge Day, hosted by FEBA and GIZ in a first-ever virtual format, focused on the opportunities, challenges and examples of linking climate change and biodiversity conservation efforts through […]

5th EbA Knowledge Day

The 5th EbA Knowledge Day was jointly organized by GIZ, IUCN and IIED under FEBA network in the framework of UNFCCC SB 50. During the day, UN negotiators, policy makers, […]

Building Resilience Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow

FEBA members hosted the session “Working with Nature to Build Resilience” at this GCAS affiliated event, organized by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, BSR, ICF and the UN Climate Resilience Initiative (A2R) and […]

3rd EbA Knowledge Day

Moving from pilots to mainstreaming – opportunities and challenges of scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: As a UNFCCC SB48 side event, the 3rd EbA Knowledge Day brought together UN negotiators, policy makers, practicioners, […]

FEBA Reception

IUCN’s Director General Inger Andersen and Norbert Gorißen, Head of IKI, BMUB made welcoming remarks, followed by remarks from country representatives championing EbA and NbS, including: Ms. Lina Pohl, Minister of […]

2nd EbA Knowledge Day

GIZ, IUCN, IIED and FEBA invited around 55 delegates and representatives from governments, international organizations, NGOs and research to share knowledge and practical experiences for strengthening EbA into policy frameworks […]

Friends of EbA Members’ Meeting

IUCN reported that FEBA now numbers over 40 institutional members. Since the last FEBA members’ meeting at COP22 in Marrakech, the new members are Ecologic Institute, German Aerospace Center, Stockholm […]

Connect With Us

You're invited to join FEBA's EbA E-Learning Course! 💻

Learn transferable and replicable skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives.

⏰ Time to completion: ≈ 10 hours or at your convenience!
🗣️ Languages: Offered in English, French & Spanish.

➡️ Learn more &…

Have you heard of FEBA's working groups? 🌾

FEBA hosts a number of revolving expert working groups to facilitate the collaboration of members around key thematic areas.

Learn more in this video and follow along to learn more about our work! 💚


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