Knowledge Products
FEBA members collaborate through both formal working groups as well as ad-hoc groups to produce collective knowledge products on a range of thematic issues, working to advance awareness, understanding and uptake of nature-based solutions for adpatation and resilience in on-ground efforts, local and national adaptation planning, and multilateral policy frameworks. See the full repository of FEBA knowledge products below.
Innovative Approaches for Strengthening Coastal and Ocean Adaptation: Integrating Technology and Nature-based Solutions
This policy brief provides an overview of the value of integrated adaptation solutions and the challenges and opportunities to increase their uptake and scaling, including through interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches based on partnerships; supportive policy and regulatory frameworks; sustained, innovative and accessible financing; and use of evidence-based targets. It also summarised actions and recommendations for scaling up innovative approaches to achieve multiple benefits for people and nature.
Technology Day (TD) is a series of events whose objective is to promote innovative approaches to deploy, disseminate and scale up adaptation technologies in various key sectors.
IUCN, the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) network, and UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC), in collaboration with the UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) Expert Group on Oceans, co-hosted a series of sessions alongside major events throughout 2021, including the IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC), Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) chair lobby, and the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference. Learn more about each event on the FEBA and Technology Day webpages. See outcomes documents from each of the three events.