Knowledge Products
FEBA members collaborate through both formal working groups as well as ad-hoc groups to produce collective knowledge products on a range of thematic issues, working to advance awareness, understanding and uptake of nature-based solutions for adpatation and resilience in on-ground efforts, local and national adaptation planning, and multilateral policy frameworks. See the full repository of FEBA knowledge products below.

Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South
This report on behalf of the Urban EbA Working Group demonstrated practical examples of urban EbA interventions gathered through an online survey and it explores their links with seven EbA Social Principles:
- participation and inclusiveness,
- capacity building,
- fairness and equitability,
- integration of traditional/local knowledge,
- livelihood improvement,
- gender consideration and
- appropriateness of scale.
Alongside an analysis of 31 practical examples of urban EbA interventions, six in-depth case study narratives are further explored through multimedia StoryMaps. By analysing the surveyed case studies through the lens of the EbA Social Principles, this paper demonstrates the potential of EbA interventions to deliver climate-just outcomes for urban areas in the Global South.
This paper demonstrates EbA interventions’ potential to deliver climate-just outcomes for urban areas in the Global South. The technical paper is available to download here and the case study StoryMaps are viewable here.