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The Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) engages in diverse forums on nature and climate adaptation. We participate in international conferences, regional workshops, and webinars, collaborating with experts to foster dialogue and innovation. This page provides a comprehensive listing of both upcoming and archived events, offering insights into past discussions and future opportunities to engage with our global community focused on enhancing climate resilience through nature-based approaches.

Friends of EbA 2022 Members’ Meeting

May 25, 2022

Members’ Meetings are an opportunity for our network to come together to share updates on their EbA work, to make connections on upcoming opportunities for collaboration, to discuss gaps and identify thematic priorities for the following year, and to receive highlights and updates from working groups, the FEBA Secretariat as well as other key speakers. This year’s meeting is the third consecutive virtual FEBA member’s meeting. 84 colleagues representing 42 FEBA members and partner institutions across 26 countries attended.

View the meeting report here and the slides from the FEBA Member Updates and FEBA Working Group Updates here.

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