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Les Amis d'Adaptation fondées sur les Écosystèmes (FEBA) s'engage dans divers forums sur la nature et l'adaptation au climat. Nous participons à des conférences internationales, des ateliers régionaux et des webinaires, en collaborant avec des experts afin de favoriser le dialogue et l'innovation. Cette page fournit une liste complète de deux à venir et les événements archivés, offrant un aperçu des discussions antérieures et les futures opportunités de participer à notre communauté mondiale axée sur le renforcement de la résilience au changement climatique à travers la nature des approches fondées sur.

Oceans & Land Day at the 4th Annual Paris Committee on Capacity-building Hub

November 14, 2022

Oceans & Land Day, hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, explored the capacities needed to mainstream and scale up Nature-based Solutions and ecosystem-based approaches – across geographies, ecosystems, and themes –  into climate adaptation plans and resilience-building. The Oceans and Land Day sought to respond to the mandate from the Conference of the Parties to constituted bodies to integrate and strengthen ocean-based action in their existing mandates and work plans, as well as highlight capacity-building efforts related to the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture. In this context, there is a need for knowledge systems that include scientific, traditional, local, and indigenous knowledge to support decision-making. Sessions sought to address capacity-building gaps to better integrate these knowledge systems into the implementation of the three Rio Conventions and the Paris Agreement for effective stewardship of oceans and land. This thematic day explored the capacities needed to mainstream and scale up Nature-based Solutions and ecosystem-based approaches into climate adaptation plans and resilience-building.

Oceans and Land Day was hosted by IUCN in its role as the FEBA Secretariat. Read more ici.

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