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Les Amis d'Adaptation fondées sur les Écosystèmes (FEBA) s'engage dans divers forums sur la nature et l'adaptation au climat. Nous participons à des conférences internationales, des ateliers régionaux et des webinaires, en collaborant avec des experts afin de favoriser le dialogue et l'innovation. Cette page fournit une liste complète de deux à venir et les événements archivés, offrant un aperçu des discussions antérieures et les futures opportunités de participer à notre communauté mondiale axée sur le renforcement de la résilience au changement climatique à travers la nature des approches fondées sur.

Better Tools and Standards: Enhancing Effectiveness and Mainstreaming of EbA

July 3, 2018

For the 10th anniversary of EbA (EbA+10), this event reflected on the progress and possibilities of EbA. Project implementation has revealed that successful EbA at scale is limited and therefore the approach has yet to reach its full potential. To plan effective and feasible EbA interventions it is necessary to have a more systematic consideration of the complexity of social ecological systems to understand their vulnerabilities to climate change and address them. This jointly held side event addressed these challenges based on the diverse experiences of Friends of EbA (FEBA) members IISD and IUCN.

L' event was well attended by both Parties and organisations including the representatives of the CBD Secretariat. The objective was to share knowledge and experiences to enhance on-ground implementation of adaptation projects through focusing on the biodiversity-adaptation nexus and introducing tools and methodologies. 

A specific focus was the new Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems (ALivE) Planning Tool developed by IISD in collaboration with IUCN. ALivE is a practical computer-based Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) planning tool designed to support its users in organizing and analyzing information to plan effective EbA options. The participants discussed the need to link biodiversity conservation with climate change efforts and breaking existing silos. It was proposed to develop specific guidelines to help Parties incorporate EbA and DRR components into the NBSAPs. FEBA will work with the CBD Secretariat to assess and facilitate the proposed guidelines for NBSAPs.

Download the event presentations:

ALivE: Adaptation, Livelihoods and Ecosystems Planning Tool – Anika Terton, IISD

Enhancing effectiveness and mainstreaming of EbA: Colombia’s Case Study – Oscar Guevara, WWF Colombia

Co-benefits for Biodiversity and Climate Change – Risa Smith, WCPA Protected Areas Climate Change Specialist Group

Enhancing Capacity, Knowledge and Technology Support to Build Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Developing Countries (EbA South) Project – Tatirose Vijitpan, UN Environment IEMP

A Navigator of Tools and Methodologies for EbA Practitioners and Planners – Daniela Guaras, UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre

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