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Les Amis d'Adaptation fondées sur les Écosystèmes (FEBA) s'engage dans divers forums sur la nature et l'adaptation au climat. Nous participons à des conférences internationales, des ateliers régionaux et des webinaires, en collaborant avec des experts afin de favoriser le dialogue et l'innovation. Cette page fournit une liste complète de deux à venir et les événements archivés, offrant un aperçu des discussions antérieures et les futures opportunités de participer à notre communauté mondiale axée sur le renforcement de la résilience au changement climatique à travers la nature des approches fondées sur.

7th EbA Knowledge Day

May 26, 2021

The 7th EbA Knowledge Day, entitled Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation: Employing Innovative EbA Approaches to Upscale NbS, took place on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 from 15:00-19:00 CEST / 09:00-13:00 EDT.

The EbA Knowledge Day is a yearly meeting for EbA policy makers, practitioners, donors and researchers, which is organized by the BMU-IKI funded and GIZ implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA in collaboration with IUCN under the FEBA network. This event, hosted virtually for the second time, was the largest-ever EbA Knowledge Day, with 450+ registered participants from 84 countries and 220 different organisations. Please find a written documentation of the sessions linked here

You can also find recordings of the welcome sessionet panel discussion on the EbA CoP YouTube channel. L' high-level Minister remarks from the Hon. Carolina Schmidt, MOE Chile, the Hon. Gabriel Quijandria, MOE Peru, the Hon. Fernando López, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources El Salvador, the Hon. Mario Roberto Rojas Espino, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Guatemala, and the Hon. Viriato Luís Soares Cassamá, Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity Guinea Bissau are publicly available ici.

Learn more about EbA on View documentation on previous EbA Knowledge Days.

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