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Les Amis d'Adaptation fondées sur les Écosystèmes (FEBA) s'engage dans divers forums sur la nature et l'adaptation au climat. Nous participons à des conférences internationales, des ateliers régionaux et des webinaires, en collaborant avec des experts afin de favoriser le dialogue et l'innovation. Cette page fournit une liste complète de deux à venir et les événements archivés, offrant un aperçu des discussions antérieures et les futures opportunités de participer à notre communauté mondiale axée sur le renforcement de la résilience au changement climatique à travers la nature des approches fondées sur.

6th EbA Knowledge Day

June 8, 2020

The 6th EbA Knowledge Day, hosted by FEBA and GIZ in a first-ever virtual format, focused on the opportunities, challenges and examples of linking climate change and biodiversity conservation efforts through EbA. Policy makers, practitioners, donors and researchers exchanged ideas and experiences through a series of presentations, panels and interactive sessions. Key points included that especially in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, climate change impacts further exacerbates exists vulnerabilities of communities; but EbA measures have the potential to address climate, biodiversity, public health, and green economic recovery in an integrative manner.  The EbA Knowledge Day also explored challenges in mainstreaming EbA and accelerating strong political will at the highest level.

Download the documentation of the 6th EbA Knowledge Day here, and view the recordings of the welcome sessionpanel discussion, as well as the high-level Minister remarks from the Hon. Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, MOE Costa Rica, the Hon. Fabiola Martha Muñoz Dodero, MOE Peru, the Hon. Malik Amin Aslam, MOE Pakistan, the Hon. Saleh Al-kharabsheh, MOE Jordan, and the Hon. Yasmine Fouad, MOE Egypt.

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