L'UICNle Les amis d'Adaptation fondées sur les Écosystèmes (FEBA) et le réseau De la CCNUCCComité Exécutif De La Technologie (TEC), en collaboration avec la CCNUCC Programme De Travail De Nairobi (NWP) Expert Group on Oceans, are co-hosting a virtual side event alongside the IUCN Congrès Mondial De La Nature (WCC).
This session will be the first in a series of events exploring and promoting innovative approaches to scale up adaptation technologies to build resilience in ocean and coastal settings. The objective of the event will be to present and discuss state-of-the-art learning and examples from integrating joint approaches of both technology and ecosystem-based adaptation in various policies and programmes in order to build the resilience of oceans and coastal ecosystems and communities.