Productos de conocimiento

FEBA miembros a colaborar tanto a través de los grupos de trabajo formales así como de grupos ad-hoc para producir conocimientos colectivos de los productos en una amplia variedad de temas, que trabaja para avanzar en el conocimiento, la comprensión y la adopción de soluciones basadas en la naturaleza para adpatation y la resiliencia en la tierra los esfuerzos locales y nacionales de planificación de la adaptación, y la política multilateral de marcos. Ver el completo repositorio de FEBO productos de conocimiento a continuación.

Building Resilience With Nature: Maximizing Ecosystem-based Adaptation through National Adaptation Plan Processes

As part of the EbA & NAPs FEBA Working Group, the guidance note Building Resilience With Nature: Maximizing Ecosystem-based Adaptation through National Adaptation Plan Processes was launched in early 2021.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation has the potential to generate economic returns and provide multiple benefits, such as improved health, biodiversity protection, food security, and alternative livelihood opportunities, all of which can build resilience to climate change. With over 10 years of application in global and local contexts, EbA has emerged as an essential approach to adaptation that is effective in building ecological, social, and economic resilience. To fully maximize and deliver EbA at the scale and pace needed, it must be put at the heart of countries’ national development and climate strategies. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process provides an opening to do just this. By enabling countries to strategically integrate adaptation into their decision making, planning, and budgeting, the NAP process strives to make adaptation part of standard development practice. Produced with IISD and the NAP Global Network, the guidance note is available for download aquí.

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