El monitoreo y la Evaluación de EbA
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The FEBA Monitoring and Evaluation of EbA Working Group, chaired by La GIZ, convened from 2018-2020 as one of the initial FEBA Working Groups. Based on the understanding that effective monitoring and evaluation of EbA outcomes is essential to learn from best practices and reduce uncertainties about efficacy and long-term impacts, the group drew from FEBA’s network of practice-based expereince to produce the flagship Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating EbA. Read more below.
Productos de conocimiento
Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions
Effective monitoring and evaluation of EbA outcomes is essential to learn from best practices and reduce uncertainties about efficacy and long-term impacts. Acknowledging this need, FEBA partners came together to produce the Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions. Drawing from FEBA’s wide network of practice-based experience, the Guidebook provides practitioners and planners with a clear process for developing and operationalizing effective M&E for EbA. The Guidebook is a joint publication by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and the FEBA Working Group on Monitoring & Evaluation. Also available in Spanish y Portuguese.
Biodiversity, Climate Change and People: How to monitor and evaluate efforts to increase resilience
At CBD SBSTTA 23, FEBA convened a session to launch the Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions, produced by the working group on M&E. Descargar the event report.
IUCN World Conservation Congress
This training session provided an overview of the process needed for designing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) interventions. It introduces participants to the intricacies and challenges associated with monitoring and evaluating EbA, and provides them with approaches and tools for addressing these. Participants learned how to use a theory of change approach as the basis for developing a long-term M&E system that goes beyond measuring the activities and outputs of an EbA intervention to evaluating the outcomes and impacts of those actions. By developing theories of change for typical EbA interventions, participants will gain hands-on experience in carrying out the process, including in identifying risks, assumptions and appropriate indicators (focusing on medium- to long-term outcome indicators). The training also covered steps for operationalising an M&E system, and for using and communicating M&E results.
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