La biodiversidad y el Cambio Climático

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The Biodiversity and Climate Change Working Group convened from 2019-2020 to build on the La CMNUCC Programa De Trabajo De Nairobi’s thematic work on the role of biodiversity and ecosystems for adaptation and work to fill identified knowledge gaps on EbA in this thematic area through the NWP platform.

The working group brought together a community of practice to focus on biodiversity and climate change with an emphasis on forests and grasslands, which is mandated thematic work under the NWP, and facilitated technical knowledge sharing and exchange including case studies, lessons learnt and content specific examples of practice. The working group provides inputs and guidance on knowledge gaps that emerge from the UNFCCC thematic work, and supports in co-designing actions for governments and non-state actors and sharing relevant opportunities of engagement with UNFCCC constituted bodies and processes.

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