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The Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) engages in diverse forums on nature and climate adaptation. We participate in international conferences, regional workshops, and webinars, collaborating with experts to foster dialogue and innovation. This page provides a comprehensive listing of both upcoming and archived events, offering insights into past discussions and future opportunities to engage with our global community focused on enhancing climate resilience through nature-based approaches.


October 6, 2022 - November 18, 2022

El COP 27 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by Egypt, took place from 6 to 18 November 2021 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. Several significant developments on adaptation, resilience, loss & damage and nature were realized at COP27, including the formal recognition of Nature-based Solutions in both the cover text and as a cross-cutting element of the Global Goal on Adaptation. Parties also took the ground-breaking decision to establish new funding arrangements on Loss & Damage.

FEBA produced two issues briefs to inform the negotiations at COP27:

Loss and Damage, Ecosystem Integrity, and Nature-based Solutions – This brief outlined the state of the negotiations on Loss & Damage with a focus on how ecosystem integrity and the implementation and financing of Nature-based Solutions can contribute to averting, minimising and addressing loss and damage.

Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y el Objetivo Global de la Adaptación – This brief focused on how NbS for adaptation offer a critical pathway to define and implement an effective Global Goal on Adaptation and drive and enhance countries’ adaptation actions, with an emphasis on ensuring the incorporation, implementation, monitoring and financing of Nature-based Solutions within the GGA.

Ver el FEBA Journey at COP27 for a summary of FEBA member engagements at COP27.

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