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The Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) engages in diverse forums on nature and climate adaptation. We participate in international conferences, regional workshops, and webinars, collaborating with experts to foster dialogue and innovation. This page provides a comprehensive listing of both upcoming and archived events, offering insights into past discussions and future opportunities to engage with our global community focused on enhancing climate resilience through nature-based approaches.

Beyond ‘do no harm’: Nexus approaches for doing better with nature

November 11, 2020

As part of the cross-network FEBA, Medio ambiente y Acción Humanitaria de la Red (EHAN), and Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) working group on EbA in Humanitarian & Post-Disaster contexts, this webinar introduced the potential of nature-based solutions in humanitarian contexts, and explored opportunities to better harness NbS to meet humanitarian needs and deliver a range of benefits.

To watch the webinar, visit the YouTube recording aquí. The IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions is accessible aquí.

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